Rolling Admissions: There’s still time

Each year, right about now we receive calls from concerned parents. The most common refrain is, 'My child started the school year on a positive note, BUT….' 

Lurking behind the BUT lies explanations of how their child is not feeling challenged at school, they have lost their love of learning, their grades have dropped precipitously, they feel invisible, they have fallen between the cracks, or they are experiencing social-emotional challenges.

Other times, we hear from parents who recently learned they are relocating and as a result, are scrambling to figure out their child's educational options for the coming school year.

No matter the circumstances, parents ask if a move to a private day or boarding school is even feasible at this late stage in the academic calendar. Our answer to this question is invariably a resounding maybe. To move this maybe to the yes column, we encourage parents to ask themselves these probing questions:

  • What factors are in play?

  • What is their child's learning style?

  • Is this the right move for their child right now? And in the longer term? 

  • Are the schools on their list in sync with their personal philosophy of education?

  • Should they wait until next year in order to have more options?

So, if you are considering submitting a late application to an independent day or boarding school, read on for an overview of the rolling admissions landscape to get you on your way. 

First off, what are rolling admissions?

Rolling admissions is a process certain independent day and boarding schools use to enroll students after the initial round of acceptances is complete, allowing them to fill any remaining spots quickly and efficiently.

Schools typically review rolling admissions applications on a first-come, first-served basis and expedite applications accordingly. This practice can be beneficial to families who fall into the categories above. 

Each school may approach rolling admissions differently, so we impress on parents the importance of researching the specific policies of each school under consideration. Furthermore, we point out that while the rolling admissions timeline can be shorter, candidates are still required to complete the same components as first-round applicants (i.e., inquiry, application, interview, student visit day, testing, student essays) before a file can be reviewed. To this end, the Admissions Committee still needs to convene to assess each candidate before making a decision. 

The pros & cons

Like any admissions process, there are benefits and pitfalls involved in rolling admissions. Below are some of the most common:


  • Flexibility: Rolling admissions allows families to apply to schools even after the first-round deadline has lapsed.

  • Shorter decision lead times: Rolling admissions can result in quicker admissions decisions.

  • Reduced stress: Families often enjoy a more personal, streamlined admissions experience.


  • Available spots: Some schools may have already met enrollment goals for the coming year, making it less predictable that spots will be available in their child's grade.

  • Competition: Students compete for limited spots, which can be challenging if the school is particularly selective.

  • Limited possibilities: Not all schools offer rolling admissions, which can ultimately limit enrollment options and impact the educational 'fit.' 

What about financial aid?

Private schools with rolling admissions may offer financial aid to eligible families. Here are some factors to bear in mind:

  • Available FA funds: Financial aid budgets may already have been allocated during the first round of acceptances. We, therefore, encourage parents to be transparent about their need for support from the get-go. 

  • Apply early: We recommend applying for financial aid as early as possible to give the school more time to review the application and determine aid eligibility.

  • Understand the process: Each school may have a specific process for awarding financial aid, so we urge parents to read the school's instructions carefully and follow them closely to ensure the application is complete.

  • Be realistic: Not all families will qualify for financial aid, and the amount of aid awarded may vary depending on income, assets, and family size. 

So how do i move forward?

While it is definitely not too late to consider an independent day or boarding school application for this fall, we encourage parents to consider the following before committing to the rolling admissions process:

  • Be able to articulate the reasons behind the decision to apply. 

  • Understand the child's needs.

  • Does the school offer the right fit for the child and family?

  • Check with each school to understand specific policies and availability. 

  • Is it best to apply now for the fall or wait until next year?

  • Does the school still have financial aid dollars available?

If you answer all of these questions and still want to move forward with the process, please email or call Keating Quigley. With years of expertise behind us, we are always happy to listen, advise and guide you!

Written By Keating Quigley | Educational Consultants

College Chronicles by Charlotte G - The Final Installment

Thanks to Charlotte for the third installment of her blog highlighting academics, dorm life, and the joys (and challenges) of being a college student!

Hello again everyone! The last time we talked we were just settling in to the school year, and now look at us… our college year is rapidly coming to an end!!!

I am so proud of you!! You have grown and accomplished so much. However, the semester isn’t over yet! Some of us still have to get through finals and truck through the next few weeks. 

To me at least, spring semester is the most challenging. I am not sure if you agree, but when it starts to get nice outside and flowers start budding, my motivation wears thin. So as your mind drifts outside, I’m going to share some strategies on how to keep your stamina up, when all you truly want to do is enjoy the beautiful weather and be on a beach somewhere! So, here we go: 

  1. Make a schedule and give yourself free time… cramming only makes your motivation low and stress levels high. 

  2. Stressed or anxious? Go for a walk. Especially in the spring, it is so relaxing and grounding to breathe fresh air and let yourself connect with nature. 

  3. Stay healthy. Most importantly make sure you are getting enough sleep. Without sleep, you will wear your body down which will only do more harm than good, especially for your grades.

  4. Call your parents. Let them know you're hanging in there during finals week… they will cheer you on! 

  5. Plan a post-finals trip or a fun activity with friends. With something exciting in the works, you will be able to push yourself to finish strong.

  6. Remember, the end of the year doesn’t have to be a dreaded time, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if you feel overwhelmed. Not only are your parents and friends there for you always, but so is your school.

one More piece of advice

When it comes to packing up and moving out, many universities, including my own, have storage services that will keep students' belongings safe until the next school year. Parents, this is something I couldn’t recommend enough. It saves a lot of trouble and stress as it can be hard to lug a TV or dorm bed headboard all the way home and all the way back for the next year. I know my mother thanked her lucky stars she didn’t have to drive down to my school and pack up the car with all my stuff!

And lastly…

You will be okay, actually, more than okay! You should be so proud of yourself for finishing the school year. So enjoy your last days on campus and ace those finals: I just know you are more than capable. Happy summer!

Written by Charlotte G. | Blogging Intern | Keating Quigley

The Two E’s of Summer Boarding School: Enrichment and Exploration

Now that winter is almost behind us, have you thought about your child’s summer plans? This is a great time to build their student profile. So, why not give them the opportunity to cultivate their passion for discovery, dive deep into academic exploration, hone a talent or try something new, and make lifelong friendships?

Consider these four reasons why a summer boarding school program might make sense for your child:

Academics: Explore a passion or try something new

As we know, students come in all shapes and sizes. Accordingly, there is a wide range of summer boarding school programs out there to meet their varied needs. Courses range from academic enrichment, foundational skill strengthening, transformative academic support and test prep. 

Signature Programs: Delve into a favorite subject

Whether your child is an aspiring science buff, a Picasso in the making, the next Oscar-winning actor or a wannabe Elon Musk, there’s a program out there! Expansive offerings cover topics such as environmental science, leadership, humanities, robotics, theater, dance, music, engineering, math acceleration, coding and so much more.

Athletics: Take skills to new heights

Does your child have game? Then why not help them improve their skills whether it’s perfecting their batting stance, fine tuning their jump shot, getting their speed into high gear or increasing their overall athletic prowess? There are extraordinary options to choose from that offer expert instruction and state-of-the-art-facilities.

Cultural Exploration: Cultivate New horizons

All boarding school summer programs offer students an exciting and immersive opportunity to live amongst a community of friends from around the world. At the same time, they learn from dedicated and experienced faculty members who share their expertise and passion. And if your child is considering boarding school as a long term option, it is a great way for them to test drive campus life to see if it’s a good fit. 

What’s next?

With so many choices out there, let us help you find the best program for your child this summer. Time is of the essence as spots fill up fast, so contact us soon to learn more about the endless possibilities!

Written By Keating Quigley | Educational Consultants

It's Decision Time. Are You Ready?

Over the past several months, we have worked with students of all ages from the United States, as well as far flung places such as Mumbai, who now have applications pending at over 40 different independent day and boarding schools. It is impressive that families broadened their school search and have considered so many diverse school options.

As we head into mid-February, many of our students are anxiously waiting to hear from the schools on their list over the coming weeks. Starting this week, Fairchester and some New York day schools will release admissions notifications, while boarding school decisions will be sent on March 10th. 

As we sail into the final phase of the school selection process, here are some thoughts to consider in anticipation of your child’s notification. Now is a good time to:

  • Talk about their preferences

  • Discuss what the transition to their new school community will look like

  • Prepare them for a possible waitlist or deny situation

  • Advise them to be discreet when discussing decisions with friends.

When it comes to your child’s admissions decision, let’s take a look at the three possible outcomes: accept, wait list, or deny.


  • Acceptance at your first choice school - The student is accepted at their school of choice, they accept the place, and send regrets (ASAP) to the other schools that accepted them. This is particularly important if your child sent a 1st choice declaration letter to the school.

  • Multiple Acceptances - The student is accepted at several schools and is unsure of where to go. COVID permitting, many schools offer a chance to revisit and attend classes for a day. Students should only revisit those schools that they are seriously thinking of attending. And remember to stay focused on ‘best fit’ in all discussions with your child!

Wait List

  • If your child is offered a spot on a school's wait list, it means that they are qualified to be accepted by the school, but there were more qualified applicants than spaces available. You may opt to wait for a space to open up, or you can decline the wait list status if you have other preferred options. Let the school know either way as soon as possible. If you choose to wait, be aware that you will have to wait a month or more to see if spaces open up. 


  • There are a limited number of spaces at all schools and admissions denials almost always inevitable. Remind your child of the multiple variables involved in when a school makes an admissions decision. And be sure to emphasize the competitive nature of the school admissions process.   

And Finally…

It has been a pleasure getting to know the KQ Class of 2022. Good luck to all of our students - and to anyone applying to independent schools! As always, we are here to guide you through the decision-making process should you need help. 

Written By Keating Quigley | Educational Consultants

Choosing the right early childhood program: why is it so important?

By Malina Marshall, experienced early childhood educator at Whitby School, Greenwich, CT. Malina has dedicated her professional career to keeping up with best practices in Montessori and early childhood education.

To all you young parents out there who proudly sent children off to school for the first time in September, I wonder how many of you envision the long road ahead?

Do you just think about the milestones of moving on to the next stage and ultimately graduation? Or do you also consider the many steps in the lead-up to that glorious event?

Similarly, I ask: do you place emphasis on your child’s early, formative years, or do you just assume that someday your children will be successful graduates?

To answer the latter question, I believe that many parents are unaware of the importance of finding the right early childhood program or understanding the impact that a good preschool program can have on their child’s future success.

Let’s put it this way… As difficult as it may be to imagine what life will be like in 15 or 20 years, consider how your decisions today will impact your toddler’s success and happiness in the future. Many parents are proud alumni of colleges. In social circles, we hear adults credit those four years with their professional success. Rarely though do they credit the nursery school that they attended. But in light of research conducted by neuroscientists in the field of early childhood development, it is clear that we should no longer take these early years for granted.

Neuroscience Findings

According to the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, the brain is most active in its early years. In fact, during the first three years of life, it establishes 700 new connections every second.

Reinforcing these findings, scientists have discovered that the impact of the first three years of life have have a profound effect on developing minds and bodies. In fact, the brain is the only organ that is not complete at the time of birth – 25% of its final volume. But by age three, it is already at 85%. As a result, it is widely accepted that your child will not learn as much later in life as they are learning now, so time is of the essence for this age group to ensure proper brain formation.

These findings speak loudly. Most parents know and understand the value and benefit of quality sleep and proper nutrition for their children. What many do not know is how every experience contributes to their child’s brain development. Every moment in the day shapes who they become later in life.

Windows of opportunity

There are windows of opportunity in child development. World renowned Italian physician and educator, Maria Montessori, called them “sensitive periods,” or the time in a child’s life when the most optimal neurological wiring occurs.

As an adult, you may have experienced difficulty learning a new language. This is because brain plasticity and the ability to change behavior decrease over time. By the time we reach adulthood, our brains have already made billions of neurological connections, which can make it more challenging to rewire itself in the acquisition of a whole new language. This is not the case for a curious three-year-old, however, whose brain is absorbing new information and learning at the speed of light.

So, bearing in mind that children’s curiosity dissipates as they grow, I strongly encourage parents to pay close attention to the early childhood experience they expose their child to. In order to maximize this window of optimal brain development, it is of paramount importance to get it right early.

Sadly, a common school of thought in today’s society is that children need to be quiet, sit patiently, and listen carefully. In stark contrast to this viewpoint, American anthropologist, Margaret Mead, upheld the opinion that children must be “taught how to think, not what to think”.

So, how do parents place their children in the best environment to learn, grow, and prepare for life? The answer is in a quality preschool program where young children are given opportunities to:

  • learn through meaningful activities

  • move and learn

  • explore using their natural curiosity

  • practice social skills and emotional control

Otherwise said, in order to ensure that a child’s passion for learning continues through life, it is essential to find an environment where they can learn how to think.

But what Does a Quality Preschool Look Like?

When researching preschool programs for your child, here are some things to look out for…

Ideally, the number of chairs in the classroom will be minimal, giving young bodies the space and empowerment to dress up, play, run, pretend, jump, and bounce. We live in a society that often values education where children do not move, rote memorization is encouraged, and critical thinking skills are stifled. Instead, children should be allowed to be and do as their bodies inherently want them to: move, explore, investigate, and try new things.

Parents therefore need to consider the method of learning that is encouraged and how they can be included in that learning. As your child enrolls in an educational program, be mindful that you are also beginning your own educational journey.

Your engagement in the school community will directly impact the quality of the education that your child receives. We know that there is a high correlation between parental involvement and student motivation, so you will want to choose a place that supports your journey too.

Finding a home away from home

Children must feel like their preschool is a home away from home. If they feel comfortable in their educational environment, they will take advantage of experiences and as a result, learn better. The right preschool program will also share many of the values you teach at home, and will encourage and reinforce the same messaging to your child.

In summary, optimal learning occurs in an environment that brings out the best in children. A good fit for a child’s early childhood education is the preschool program that offers a quality learning journey and also provides opportunities for parent engagement. The right program also fosters curiosity and engages children to create a passion for learning that stays with them throughout life.

Written by Malina Marshall | Early Childhood Educator, Whitby School, Greenwich, CT

College Chronicles by Charlotte G - The Sequel

Here’s Charlotte’s second blog on academics, dorm life, and the joys (and challenges) of being a college student!

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Hey, Freshman! How’s it going? I know my year had a crazy start, so I can only imagine that you felt it too!

I’m so proud of you guys. Can you believe it’s almost November? How time flies! For some of you, I know it’s been a hard adjustment, but I promise you, you’re not alone. Everyone is still acclimating, so don’t be afraid to confide in your friends: they’re possibly feeling the same way and would find comfort in a good heart to heart.

So now that you guys are settled in, it's time to talk about options for opening both your social and academic life. College, even more than High School, is a time to explore your interests. Luckily, joining a club, greek life, or athletics is easier than you thought! 

Getting involved in your campus community is something that I couldn’t recommend enough. Not only is it important to take breaks from academics, but it’s also essential to find people who share the same interests as you. I’ve been at College for over a year now, and I wouldn’t have had the same experience or met the amazing people if I didn’t join service clubs, IM sports teams, and also a sorority.

So let’s take a quick look at just some of the many opportunities at College…

Clubs and Volunteering

Clubs usually aren’t a huge commitment but are super fun. It’s such an amazing part of the college experience to be surrounded by a group that all want to participate in the same efforts as you. I love the clubs I am a part of, even though I was really nervous and hesitant to join. I especially love the Green Club, which helps make campus more sustainable (something I have been passionate about since my APES class junior year of High School). Clubs like the Green Club are just one of the many service organizations at colleges that embrace volunteering. It always feels fulfilling to give back to your college community and the communities surrounding campus.

Greek life

If it appeals to you, Greek life is a great experience, is an awesome way to meet new people and have a smaller sense of community on campus. At some schools, I know that Greek Life is considered to be “necessary.” However, being part of a fraternity or sorority is exactly what you make of it! If one chapter appeals to you because of their philanthropy, support, academics, and social scene, I recommend you take it into consideration!

Intramural/Club Sports

IM and club sports are another excellent way to get up and active at college. These teams are always looking for members and if you played a sport in High School or want to start playing a sport, be sure to try it out! Some schools have different requirements for their club teams. For example, I know the club women's lacrosse team at my school is more intense than our club women's soccer team, so they have more rigorous tryouts. Through research and word of mouth feedback, you can learn all about the sport you're interested in, and what it takes to get involved at your University. 

and finally…

Although it was challenging to get involved last year because of COVID, I have never felt such a sense of community as I do now at my school. Clubs are so happy to have new members, so go out and take full advantage of all opportunities at your fingertips. 

I know it can be scary to go outside your comfort zone, but the benefits outweigh the costs, and it's also important to take risks! Apply for a position, try out for a team, and stand up for what you believe. You won’t regret it.

Written by Charlotte G. | Blogging Intern | Keating Quigley