Boarding School Bound? Here's How to Pack Like a Pro!

Part 1: The Power of Preparation

Embarking on the journey to boarding school marks a momentous milestone in your child's life, one that can trigger a whirlwind of emotions - from eager excitement to nervous anticipation. As a parent, it is your job to ensure that they step into this new adventure well-prepared, both in practical and emotional terms.

Part 1 of our blog offers invaluable tips that you can incorporate into your summer break routine at home, ensuring your child is well-prepared for their transformative journey ahead. By following these straightforward steps, you can help build resilience and self-confidence, laying a solid foundation for their academic and personal success once they set foot on campus.

And in Part 2 – coming soon – we will provide a comprehensive packing checklist to ensure your child has everything they need to hit the ground running at their new home away from home.

Here's to an unforgettable experience filled with growth, friendships, and success!

Build Emotional Resilience

As their first solo venture away approaches, mixed emotions may start to swirl in your child’s head. They may feel excited about the year ahead but also apprehensive about leaving home and making new friends. Here are some positive steps you can take to ease concerns. 

Foster Open Communication: Encourage your child to express their feelings and worries about boarding school. Address any anxieties they might have and provide reassurance and support.

Encourage New Connections: Where possible, help your child connect with incoming classmates in person or in group chats. This advance contact will create a sense of community ahead of move-in day.

Maintain Old Connections: Assure your child that you'll always be there for them and that they can maintain connections with family and friends through phone calls, FaceTime chats, and letters (yes, the art of letter-writing still exists!)

Foster Independence: Encourage your child to take on more responsibilities at home, such as managing their own schedule and organizing their belongings. This will help them feel more confident handling tasks independently once they get to campus.

Use Positive Reinforcement: Highlight the positive aspects of boarding school, such as the opportunity to explore new interests, make friends from diverse backgrounds, and experience personal growth.

Pack Smarter

Image with smiley face emoji and 'Pack a Positive Attitude, Embrace New Experiences' advice for all students heading to boarding school for the new academic year.

Once you’ve taken care of your child's emotional preparation, it's time to tackle the physical aspect of packing. Apart from being as practical and organized as possible, our biggest recommendation is to avoid overpacking. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

School-specific Guidelines: Contact your child’s school for their tailored packing list to ensure you don't miss any essential items. Also, carefully read through the uniform and dress code guidelines in the Student Handbook. And if your child is an athlete, check with the Athletics Department to ensure they have all the correct equipment. 

Quality over Quantity: Focus on buying durable, high-quality items that will last. This will save you money in the long run and ensure your child has reliable belongings.

Label Everything: Invest in labels or permanent markers to mark your child's belongings to prevent mix-ups and loss.

Clothing Essentials: Pack a combination of school uniforms or dress code-compliant outfits, casual and formal wear, and appropriate clothing for extracurricular activities and seasonal weather conditions.

Prescription Medications: If your child takes any form of regular prescription medication, be sure to check with the school’s health center to learn more about their prescription medication policy.

Laundry Supplies: Provide your child with detergent, stain remover, a hamper, and a laundry bag to encourage responsibility for their laundry needs.

Storage & Organization: Consider providing storage solutions like under-bed storage containers and closet organizers to keep their belongings tidy.

Electronics & Entertainment: While limited screen time is encouraged, a laptop, headphones, and a few comfort items from home can ease the transition. 

KQ - A Guiding Voice

Looking for guidance on boarding school options? KQ can help. We offer advice on boarding school options nationwide, from big to small, single gender to coed, athletic to arts focus, close by to distant: we’re here to guide you on them all! Contact us at 203-987-5602 or email us to learn more about our services. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Written By Verona Keating & Jacquie Quigley | Co-Founders | Keating Quigley Educational Consultants

Admissions 101: Acing the Student Interview

Thoughts From Jacquie & Verona…

There’s no denying it, the independent and boarding school admissions process is overwhelming. The to-do list is endless; the multitude of components is bewildering, and the number of hoops you have to jump through is exhausting. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been posting regular blogs on how to break down the school search into bite-size chunks and make it more manageable.

This Week’s Lowdown: The Student Interview

For the final installment, we invited Sarah Scoville, who is an Associate Director of Admissions at Salisbury School, CT, to provide insights on how to help your student prepare for the school admissions interview. Over to you, Sarah…

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Acing Your Interview: 7 Tips from a Prep School Admissions Officer

Preparing for a school admissions interview can seem daunting. Here are seven tips to help prepare for the big moment.

1. Practice - Practicing will make you more comfortable when the time comes to interview. Sit down with a parent or friend and have them pretend to conduct an interview. Let them come up with questions to ask you on the spot. They can give you feedback on your answers, body language, etc. 

2. Do Research - You should be familiar with the school before you sit down for your interview. Be sure to take a look at the school’s website to brush up on basic facts and to get a feel for each school. You should have a good idea of why you are interested in the school, what you like most about the school and why you feel the school could be a good fit for you. 

3. What to Wear - Whether visiting a school campus in person for an interview or connecting with an admissions officer virtually from the comfort of your home, be sure to dress the part. Be sure you are looking clean and neat; you want to show you’re serious about applying and want to be considered a top candidate.  

4. Check Your Technology and Background - If you are conducting your interview virtually, there is nothing worse than having a tech glitch during an important virtual event. Before your scheduled interview time, make sure you double-check that you have the log-in or meeting information on hand and that your audio and camera are working properly. It's important to find a quiet space for your interview conversation (try to avoid a barking dog or noisy sibling in the background). And, make sure you check the backdrop behind you.  Is it too bright and as a result, we can't see you? Is it too dark? Try to place your camera at eye level and position yourself so you have a pleasant backdrop with gentle lighting.

5. Be Yourself  - Your admissions officer wants to get to know you, the real you. Talk about the things you like to study, your hobbies, your interests, your goals, and the new experiences you are looking forward to. Don't memorize prepared answers to then give to your interviewer. Having a genuine and honest conversation is the best way to learn if you and the school are a good fit for each other.

6. Ask Thoughtful Questions - It’s important that you prepare some engaging questions to ask your interviewer. You want to demonstrate that you have done your research and that you are invested in getting a strong sense of the school’s culture and community.  Don’t just ask a question as simple as “how big is your student body?”, dig deeper. 

7. Follow Up and Stay Connected - Because families may be unable to get to school campuses this fall to experience a school community in person, it is perhaps more important than ever to maintain a personal connection with a school. Be sure to send your interviewer an email after your conversation. This is a great time to ask to connect with a current student, faculty member, program director or coach. Making those personal connections with various community members will be critical as you look to learn more about each school.

The interview is a valuable piece of the boarding school application process and a great way to learn more about a school. Good luck! 

A final word from KQ …

Thanks, Sarah, we appreciate your input! As always, KQ is just a phone call or email away. Consider contacting us to prepare your student for the interview. Our specialists can also work with you to craft a compelling parent statement or with any other aspect of the admissions process. 

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Written by Sarah Scoville | Associate Director of Admissions | Salisbury School

Sarah hails from Philadelphia, PA, and graduated from Haverford College in 2009. Following her graduation, she began her career in education at New Canaan Country School (CT).  Sarah has also taught at Brookwood School (MA) and Cardigan Mountain School (NH). In 2014, Sarah joined the admissions team at Salisbury School, an all-boys boarding school in Connecticut.  In addition to her work in admissions, Sarah has served as an advisor, coach, and dorm parent. Sarah lives on campus with her husband, their two children, and two labs. Click here to connect with Sarah!

Admissions 101: The Parent Statement & Interview

Thoughts From Jacquie & Verona…

There’s no denying it, the independent and boarding school admissions process is overwhelming. The to-do list is endless; the multitude of components is bewildering, and the number of hoops you have to jump through is exhausting. That’s why we’ve compiled this mini-blog series to help you break the school search process into bite-size chunks to make it more manageable. So let’s dig in…

This Week’s Lowdown

In our third post of the series, we take a look at two critical components of the school search process: the parent statement and the parent interview.

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The Parent Statement

The objective of the parent statement is to help the admissions team learn more about who your child is and what your family dynamic is at home.

As you prepare to put pen to paper, here are some tips on how to portray the best version of your child and your family in the application statements:

  • Firstly, don’t be afraid to brag: this is your child’s time to shine!

  • Give specific examples of how and why you are proud of your child

  • Share anecdotes that give insights into your child’s personality, traits, and accomplishments: the more you share, the more the admissions team will understand who your child is. But be careful not to overdo it!

  • Illustrate the growth you have seen in your child over the years

  • Expand on how this growth has shaped their character.

The Parent Interview 

Admissions Directors aim to make the parent interview as relaxed as possible and will do their best to ensure the conversation feels like a casual chat. Bear in mind, however, that the objective of the meeting is to:

  • Learn as much about you and your child

  • Show that you ‘know’ your child

  • Decide if your family is a good ‘match’ for the school

With this in mind, we strongly encourage you to do a brainstorming session ahead of the meeting to:

  • Reflect on why you are applying to the school

  • Describe your child’s learning style

  • Articulate why your child is a good fit

  • Make sure your messaging as parents is on the same page

In addition, be sure to prepare some questions for the admissions officer that show you have done your research and understand the school’s mission but are hungry to know more! 

KQ Quick Tips

  • You are your child’s strongest advocate, so be sure to weave examples of their personality and achievements into the statement and/or your conversation with the admissions officer  (e.g. community service; artistic talents; athletic ambitions; leadership roles, etc.)

  • This is your opportunity to show how proud you are of your child, so have at it (within reason, of course)!

  • One more thing, at the interview, don’t forget to smile, relax, and be yourselves!

A final word from KQ …

As always, we are just a phone call or email away. Contact us for help with your application. Our specialists will work with you to craft a compelling parent statement that helps prospective schools get to know your and your family. We can also help with interview prep or any other aspect of the admissions process.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Written by Keating Quigley | Educational Consultants

Admissions 101: The Open House

Thoughts From Jacquie & Verona…

There’s no denying it, the independent and boarding school admissions process can be overwhelming: the to-do list looks endless, the multitude of components can be bewildering, and the number of hoops to jump through feels convoluted. But it’s important to point out that there’s intentionality behind every step along the way: each school is simply doing its due diligence to determine if your child will be successful in their community.

So let’s dive right in and take a look at this week’s installment: The Open House.

This Week’s Lowdown: The Open House

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Last year, schools were forced to rethink Open House formats due to the pandemic, with many pivoting to virtual events out of necessity. This year, many have returned to in-person admissions events, but some continue to offer online options only, while some are offering a hybrid menu of virtual and in-person events. Be sure to check out each school’s website carefully to take full advantage of all the options available.

So let’s dissect the Open House to understand its purpose and what it looks like…

The overarching objective of these events is to give you the opportunity to meet teachers, students, and parents from the community so that you can ultimately determine if it’s a good fit for your child. Whether being held in-person or virtually, the Open House generally features:

  • Words of welcome from the Head of School

  • Informal opportunities to engage with teachers

  • Classroom visits

  • Parent and/or student panels

  • Campus tours

KQ Tips

As you will most likely be attending several open houses, we encourage you to take notes at each one to ensure you don’t forget important details along the way. It also goes without saying that if your child is old enough, have them attend the events with you and ask them to do the same so you can compare notes afterward. For example, as you listen to speakers, reflect on the substance of their words to determine:

  • Will my child be seen and known at this school?

  • Will my child thrive here?

  • Does this school provide value in terms of programming and extracurricular activities?

  • Does this school place emphasis on nurturing a love of learning and expanding moral character?

A final word from KQ …

Don’t forget that KQ is here to help you devise your personalized admissions plan, from identifying the school list through working on essays, preparing for interviews, and ultimately determining the best fit for your child. We’re always just a phone call or email away.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Written by Keating Quigley | Educational Consultants

Why Boarding School?

In conversation with families, we are frequently surprised that more students don’t have boarding schools on their radar screen. Why is that? Could it be that the perception of this type of educational experience is stuck in the past? Or, is it that families simply don’t understand what they have to offer?

To answer these questions, we invited our colleagues at Great Boarding Schools (GBS) to share their perspectives on the benefits of a boarding school education.

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The Benefits of Boarding School…

Who we are…

The Great Boarding School group consists of fifteen top boarding schools from the Northeast. We come together as a consortium to offer interested families a look at a wide spectrum of benefits and options of the various signature programs and 21st-century teaching and learning models embodied by the individual member schools.

Our goal is to help enlighten families regarding boarding school options including; educational philosophies, academic curriculum, extracurricular offerings, single-gender education, and residential life curriculum. We share a unified belief in the positive outcomes a boarding school experience can have on your child.

So, as you embark on the admissions process, let’s answer that refrain ‘why boarding school?’ To do this, we narrow in on the four differentiating pillars of campus life that every parent and candidate should examine when contemplating a boarding school education.

#1 Community

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Boarding schools are more than just schools — they are communities. Communities made up of talented and diverse students, accomplished and caring faculty and staff members, and loyal and dedicated alumni and families. They are communities designed to challenge and support, encourage and celebrate. Communities built on relationships that extend beyond the classroom and into dorms and dining halls, onto playing fields and stages, and far from campuses. They are communities that enhance all aspects of the educational experience, instilling in students the value of connection and collaboration, and preparing them to be leaders in the years to come.

#2 World-Class Academics

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The Goal: To foster academic exploration, feed curiosity, and challenge students as independent learners and thinkers. 

Small class sizes help students learn to share ideas, ask questions, and work collaboratively as they build relationships with their peers and with faculty. Students are encouraged to self-advocate and their needs are seen and understood by teachers who are engaged, passionate, and dedicated to each student’s individual growth and development. Learning continues beyond the classroom at boarding school. Faculty live on campus and serve as coaches, club sponsors, and dorm parents. This affords the opportunity to create teachable moments beyond the classroom - further enriching the student academic experience.

#3 Athletics

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Athletics at a boarding school is about more than wins and losses. No matter what your path in life, physical activity plays an important role in your health and well-being. 

Under the careful mentorship of our experienced and passionate coaches, you learn important life lessons that transcend sport. Our varsity squads routinely compete against the best competition, but also offer great sub-varsity options for developing talent. Whether you play for the love of the game or are bound for college glory, we have a team for you.

While many students choose to play team sports all three seasons, each school offers athletic alternatives and recreational sports.

#4 Arts

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The opportunity to engage in creative endeavors like music, dance, theater, and visual arts is one of the hallmarks of a boarding school education.  Each boarding school has a unique arts curriculum complete with light-filled studios to provide the perfect setting for students to immerse themselves in the creative process.  Whether you want to explore the basics of many different art forms or immerse yourself in your particular passion project, there is something for every kind of artist at boarding school.

Find out more at upcoming GBS Workshops

One last thing…if boarding school is on your child’s horizon, it’s never too early to start the search process. To help you on your way, GBS is hosting a series of virtual workshops on May 4, 6, and 11. These interactive discussions will provide an excellent opportunity for parents and prospective candidates to meet students, who will talk about their personal experience with dorm life and co-curricular programming. Admissions officers will also be available to address topics such as:

  • How COVID-19 has changed the way that students and their families research, identify, and select boarding schools

  • Tips on how and when to visit a campus

  • Applying and interviewing

  • Financial Aid

Click here to register for any or all of these events. And if you’d like to dig in deeper, email us at KQ any time!

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Reflections On The School Admissions Process


Independent school admissions decisions are out and deposits are in, and the verdict... accepted, waitlisted or denied. For some, the outcome was just what they wanted, a spot at the school of their dreams. For others the decision was disappointing because they are on  a waitlist , or worse yet, denied. So what does this all mean?

Before I go on, I should tell you that my approach to school admissions is centered on self reflection and acknowledgement. I challenge you as parents, to take a non-linear approach to the school search by not making the process about a means to an end. Instead, push yourselves outside the box and use this as an opportunity to help your child build life skills. Life skills? What do they have to do with applying to schools? First, let us think about a few: admissions interviews, applications, school research, writing a resume, and time management. These are skills that all of us have to develop and use throughout our lives. So, why not start early?

“Learning without reflection is a waste. Reflection without learning is dangerous.”


The first step in this exploration starts with your child and getting them to understand who they are as an academic, a person, and general member of society. At this point, you are probably wondering at what age children can start identifying these skills. A middle schooler, with coaching, can easily start pinpoint some of their characteristics and qualities. Do not underestimate your child’s ability to recognize their strengths and weaknesses! 

I would argue that regardless of the admission decision, it’s important to reflect on the school selection process. What did you learn about yourself as a parent? What did you learn about your child? And last but not least, what should you be doing as a family going forward? For parents of middle or high school students, this should be viewed as an opportunity for your child to reflect upon their profile. Okay, so this sounds interesting... but, where do I go from here?

Take a step back before you move forward and ask yourself or your child:

  • What did I or my child learn about their character?

  • Did I/they discover anything new about their academic profile?

  • Are extracurricular activities a significant part of the child’s life?

  • Should we consider academic support or enrichment?

  • Have I/we adequately researched and addressed the school programs that are a “best fit” match?

  • Did we put enough emphasis on the school community and environment?

  • Was the application process an emotionally balanced experience?

  • Did I empower my child in their school search?

Do not feel like you have to have one big conversation about this. Instead, use this as an opportunity to start a dialogue. You might want to consider putting pen to paper before engaging in conversation to show that you put time and thought into understanding their school search. We all know how hard it is to strike a conversation with our middle or high school students. Seize the moment!

While many of you might be thinking, “my child has a spot in their first choice school so what’s all of this reflection about?” These are questions every parent should be asking themselves periodically as their child navigates their educational journey. Take a pulse along the way, and make sure that your child’s school is still appropriate based on how they are developing not only as a student, but as a person.

For those of you who are still waiting for a spot or are planning on going through the school application process again next fall, turn a negative into a positive, and use this time to reassess your child, and their school list. You might find yourself wondering if you should have done things differently. Remember, it’s never too late to redirect your thought process, and change your plan.

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Jacquie Quigley | Partner | Keating Quigley Educational Advisors